Lemonade Blog

VidCon 2023: Biggest Key Takeaways

Can ChatGPT Improve Your Marketing Efforts?

7 Benefits of Social Media Marketing for Your Business

A Complete Guide to Discord Marketing Strategies

Lemonade makes Analytics Insight’s “Top 10 Web3 Community Management Agencies to Know in 2023”
![How to Hire a Good Community Manager [Social Media, NFTs, or Discord]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/6196952c20cdd4400fd36434/1664575724059-RB2LKU2OXZY2VN3HQ162/LMD-Blog-CommunityManager-Hero.jpg)
How to Hire a Good Community Manager [Social Media, NFTs, or Discord]
Marketing teams have necessarily evolved with cultural shifts, adapting to new media and new communication platforms and styles to remain relevant and accessible to consumers. Fifteen years ago, social media manager was a new title; today, social media management requires an entire stable of talent, not just to broadcast messages on social media platforms, but to develop and nurture communities among followers.

In the News: Leading Blockchain Service Integrator Gigster Partners with Web3 Marketing Agency Lemonade

Last Month in Marketing: September 2022
It’s been quite the marketing month, with ad agencies kicking it into creative summer overdrive, producing clever, eye-catching (and eye-popping) ads. This month, we loved spots for things as disparate as exercise apps, blood, and good old-fashioned self-promotion.

How Boutique Agencies Lead the Remote Work Movement
People who say size doesn’t matter are just kidding themselves. Sure, they say it to be positive but, if it really didn’t matter, we’d all be sleeping in twin beds.
This does not mean, however, that bigger is always better. Far from it. Perhaps you are old enough to remember the first wave of mobile phones, which were so big they required a backpack and had an extendable antenna. It was like having a conversation while holding an iron skillet to your ear, and you still found yourself asking “Can you hear me now?”.

A New Chapter in Webcomics: A Manta Case Study
Manta—a global webcomics subscription platform based in Korea—knew they needed to move the needle. They wanted to build anticipation for the second season of their breakout hit, “Under the Oak Tree," and then draft off that engagement to drive app downloads and ultimately subscriptions.

What’s an NFT? Lemonade’s Guide to NFTs
It’s easy to get caught up in the NFT boom-bust cycles. For a while, it felt like every company, influencer, and individual was talking about—and indeed diving head first into—this world. Then, the recent panics and busts dominated news cycles and it became popular to (incorrectly) declare the NFT craze short-lived and entirely dead.

New Frontiers: The Best Web3 Companies Today
When describing Web3, people often invoke the Wild West, a new frontier lacking a unifying governance, full of opportunity but also fraught with dangers. Yet businesses ignore Web3 at their own peril, risking falling behind cultural and commercial trends that will prove near impossible to catch up to once they really get rolling.

Finding a Novel Approach: 6 Must-Read Marketing Books

Last Month in Marketing: August 2022
It’s been quite the marketing month, with ad agencies kicking it into creative summer overdrive, producing clever, eye-catching (and eye-popping) ads. This month, we loved spots for things as disparate as exercise apps, blood, and good old-fashioned self-promotion.

Marketing Green Crypto with Land Betterment Exchange
As investors increasingly demand ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) assets, companies looking to help corporations meet their ESG goals must quickly find ways to break through the noise to deliver impactful messaging about their solutions.

Why Luxury Brands are Moving to Web3
Historically, luxury brands have not been the best at adopting new digital technologies. Recall that fashion houses famously dragged their stiletto heels during the e-commerce revolution, and that fashion bloggers had a notoriously difficult time gaining access to runway shows, dismissed as “new media”.

Last Month in Marketing: July 2022
As it is in basketball, so goes it in marketing: game recognizes game.
At Lemonade, we love our jobs, we love marketing, and we are pretty great at it. We don’t trick ourselves into thinking we are the only good marketers on the court, however, and nothing delights us more than a really great marketing moment. Whatever the media, whatever the vertical, a marketing win is a marketing win and we love to celebrate along with our peers.
Today, and at the end of every month moving forward, we will be listing out five of our favorite marketing moments of the month. This month’s range from OOH and IRL to Web3 and social media, and they are all inspiring in their own way.

Movie Magic: Meet IMAX’s Social Media Coordinator
As IMAX’s social media agency, Lemonade designs and executes the entertainment giant’s social media strategy, promoting the latest releases and engaging fans about their favorite topics while maintaining the brand’s distinct voice.
At Lemonade, the man behind all this magic is social media coordinator Josh Diaz, who has been responsible for IMAX’s social media management for each and every release, movies ranging from Jurassic World Dominion and Dr. Strange 2 to Josh’s favorite recent hit, Everything, Everywhere, All At Once.

Why Brands Should Add Discord to Their Social Media Toolkit
Brands already have a lot of social media platforms on their plate. Managing Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, Snapchat and Facebook channels all require different strategies and styles, keeping social media managers busy day and night.
Yet, even with their plate already full, it is time to add Discord to their social media menu.

5 Exciting Brand Activations in Decentraland
The metaverse, much like the universe itself, continues to expand. And Decentraland remains its most prolific platform, with people, brands, and blockchains continuing to grow the already vast virtual reality environment.
Brands in particular are finding new and exciting forms of blockchain marketing within Decentraland, connecting directly to consumers while bridging the distance between the IRL things people already love and new forms of brand interactions and activations.